Here’s a never-quite-complete list of the local businesses & organizations we support. Almost all of the businesses on this list support sustainability, organic practices, or other environmental issues we’re concerned about. There’s also a few listed that are just good local businesses that we like.
Please email or tweet or leave a facebook comment if you have business suggestions for us and we’ll add them here!
Homestead Materials:
- West Seattle Tool Library – Tons of tools and you can rent them for free with a membership. A great place to send your tool donations.
Reuse & Salvage Stores:
- Seattle Burlap – They sell burlap bags, and lots of them. Great for planters and putting your garden beds to rest and a billion other things.
- Second Use – Reusable salvaged building materials and some home decor.
- Habitat Restore
- Village Green Perennial Nursery – Located between White Center and West Seattle, has tons of natives, perennials, and other garden goods, and located on a beautiful property.
- Walt’s Organic Fertilizer – Fertilizer company based in Ballard I think.
- Seattle Urban Farm Co. – They plant gardens in people’s yards and care for them, too.
Sustainability Groups:
- Seattle Tilth – Many gardening & homesteading classes for reasonable prices.
- City Fruit – Gleaning non-profit that also has tons of great fruit classes – planting, trimming, training, harvesting, storing, etc.
- Weekday on KUOW – Daily morning radio show hosted by Steve Scher from 9-11am on 94.9FM – frequent episodes on gardening & plants and specific to Seattle and the Northwest.
- West Seattle Tool Library – Free tool rentals with a membership of just $40. They’re great about telling you how to use the tools and they often have classes for very affordable rates.
- Garden Help Hotline – Got a garden question? Give them a call, it’s free to residents of King County.
Neighborhood Sustainability Groups:
Restaurants, Bars, Coffee Shops:
- Chaco Canyon Cafe – University District & West Seattle – Pricier than your average lunch cafe, but it’s almost all organic and veggie/vegan food, and excellent quality.
- Mashiko Restaurant (aka Sushi Whore) – West Seattle – Seattle’s first fully sustainable sushi restaurant.
- Big Al Brewing – White Center – These guys installed the first solar-heated water array at a brewery during 2011, and they’re close to the homestead, and they brew up excellent beer every time.
- Elliot Bay Brewing – West Seatte & Burien – Organic ingredients and locally made beer. Both locations serve food.
Grocery & CSA:
- Magic Bean Farm – Seattle CSA – Farm located in West Seattle with CSA pickup locations in West Seattle, Queen Anne, and the U-District. They run through the growing season starting in approx. May or June.
- West Seattle PCC – We shop at the West Seattle PCC for our organic supplies that we don’t grow ourselves. They’ve got the best prices on organic food in the area, and as much as I love the Sunday farmer’s market, PCC beats them on price in my opinion.
Health, Healing, and Fitness:
- Eat Play Be – Nutritional Counseling
- Kathy Nordgren – West Seattle Acupuncture
- Seattle Doula – Ratings and reviews of birth doulas
- None yet – let us know of some!
Home & Yard Services:
Landscape Designers:
- Akina Designs – Commercial and Residential Design, Installation, and Maintenance – Eco-friendly pledge
- Mariposa Naturescapes – Consulation/Design/Installation/Maintenance – Native plants, rain gardens, permaculture & edibles, organic, pesticide-free.
Tree Service:
- Burien Tree Service – They’ve dropped off tons of excellent (and free) wood chips for us here at the Seattle Homestead.
Home Improvement, Remodeling, Inspections:
- Better Builders – Custom homes and remodeling company, focus on energy efficiency in homes and member of the Master Builders Built Green program.
- Green Home Renovations – Roofing, Siding, Kitchens, Windows – Focus on sustainable building practices
- Inside Out Building Inspection – West Seattle-based home inspector, very thorough and knowledgeable.
- Amy Works – Handy(wo)man services. Check out their excellent and affordable DIY home improvement workshops.
Renewable Energy & Energy Conservation:
- West Seattle Natural Energy – Solar electric, solar hot water and wind power. Check out the solar electricity interview they did with us here at Seattle Homestead.
- Leak Masters – takes care of water leak detection services in Seattle and across the Northwest.
Miscellaneous Services:
- Can anyone recommend any good pet services with green attributes?
- Our friends run Seattle Oasis Vacation Rentals – they offer locations in downtown Seattle and offer vacation rental property management, too.
Business Services:
- Content Harmony – Content Marketing Agency run by Kane Jamison (the author of this site)
- Your Merchant Guru – Seattle credit card processing consultant offering a wide variety of payment solutions.